Friday, November 24, 2017

Found it!

After all the videos I’ve watched about building a chicken house and run, I was still stumped how to even begin! A panic feeling began to simmer because over the next few weeks I need to capture all the “nice” days we will have before our “real” winter sets in during February.

Oh. My. Then I discovered native Texan April Wilkerson’s 3 part video series detailing the step-by-step process! I have NO IDEA how I came across her YouTube channel, but I’m so thankful I did!
With only a few modifications to fit our needs, this will be it!

Now I can put that issue to rest!

(Oh, I loved the bloopers she shows at the end of the videos!)

Her website is also very informative with other woodworking projects!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Samhain!

Since 2009, when I visited… I came back stating, if I ever live any where but Texas, it will be in Ireland. However, that’s when we win the lottery!

In the meantime, I’ll live vicariously through watching videos of Bealtaine Cottage. During times of extreme stress with “life” - her soothing Irish accent is what I need to hear!

And, she’s doing my plan! This is what I dream ~ my goal is ~ for our west yard!

Oh, and I found her on Facebook as well! The Goddess Gardens!

Not until today, had I ever heard of Samhain!
Goddess Gardens

(I am NOT wiccan, but I do believe in fairies!)


Update on the planting…

I failed miserably not checking first what deer apparently love! A disastrous waste of money and time and energy planting two Indian Hawthorns…

Since the culprits only chewed on the leaves, I’ll keep it where it is, to see what happens in the spring! Maybe a planting of rosemary or lavender around it will “hide” its smell!

So much to learn about…
The earth, nature, going Back to Eden.

And, bringing in chickens…

Over the past few months, and after spending numerous hours watching YouTube videos and reading websites/blogs about keeping chickens, Lisa Steele at Fresh Eggs Daily has the most informative guides to raising chickens naturally! Her array of articles on Chicken Keeping Guide is quite impressive! As I’ve mentioned in a previous post – Still Learning – I love her two books I purchased/read …. great resources!


It’s time to get busy!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Mimic Nature

While researching the permaculture gardening concept (and the Back to Eden method), I had the “aha” moment! To “Mimic Nature” is now my goal!

This area, the “west” yard, I’ve claimed to begin the Back to Eden permaculture garden! It’s where the chickens will be next year!

Once was pasture - Oak Tree planted about 20 years ago.
Anna helps me tremendously
Wish I'd known about the "no-dig" method earlier!
 I was so impressed when I heard Paul Gautschi’s interview! 

Our One Acre Farm’s article on Permaculture Principles for Practical Gardeners and Farmers is one of my top favorites I found!

The Timber Press blog lists (and details) the 12 Principles of Permaculture! I would encourage anyone interested to read their full article

1. Observe and interact
2. Catch and store energy
3. Obtain a yield
4. Apply self-regulation and respond to feedback
5. Use renewable resources
6. Produce no waste
7. Design from pattern to details
8. Integrate rather than segregate
9. Use small and slow solutions
10. Use and value diversity
11. Use the edges
12. Creatively use and respond to change

At A Return to Simplicity, she explains (with photos!) “Preparing The Ground For A Permaculture Garden”.  I just need to find a LOT of mulch and wood chips!

Bud doesn’t yet know it, but I’m going to ask him to dig me a nice deep trench near the started herb garden… something to try… Hugelkultur!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Chicken Chunnel

Although we are planning a static (permanent) coop/run for the hens, we have plans to allow them to “free range” – but within a Chicken Chunnel!

Something like this…

Friday, September 22, 2017

Lists, Lists, and more Lists

I don’t want to get overwhelmed because there is so much to learn about keeping chickens the healthy, natural way! Not only for their eggs, but I also want chickens as workers to help with the sticker weed population we have in this yard! Oh, and to eventually establish a nice sustainable rotating garden system after they have worked the packed ground!

Yes. A lot of planning is going on.
I have a lot of dreams and goals before I leave this earthly life.
God willing,
He’ll grant me the time.

So. I. Make. Lists.

What lists?

I use several methods:

Laptop – I first made a file folder “Chickens” (of course!). Within this folder is where I place MS Word documents, such as:

1.     A list of websites and blogs that I’ve found and want a quick reference back to for further reading.
2.     Pictures of the chicken breeds I’m interested in and what they look like as chicks, and their characteristics. When the time comes, I want to be as informed as possible when I go to Tractor Supply Company!
3.     A list of toxic (to chickens) plants and foods. When the time comes, this will be printed out and put on the frig for easy quick reference!
4.     A list of the chicken’s favorite plants and foods.
5.     This folder is also where I put the free and informative .pdf documents I’ve come across from various websites.

Amazon Wish List – what a fabulous tool!

          While viewing the Youtube videos, many times folks will recommend a specific product. So I don’t forget, I’ll pause viewing and immediately find the item on Amazon then simply “add to list”… like the hori hori! I’d never heard of such a thing! The guy at Edible Acres specifically recommended an orange handle one as it’s easier to see when you drop it in the garden! Good to know from someone experienced!


I “subscribe” to the folks I’ve found informative. I also click “like” on the videos I’ve watched. After viewing over 250, it certainly helps me keep track! Plus, I’m told it helps them, even if only they receive a few cents per viewing. It’s the least I can do to help “pay them back” for the time and knowledge they’ve shared!

Plain ole spiral notebook – an old small unused one I found on the bookshelf.

          It’s where I handwrite (something I rarely do these days) the lists of herbs and plants I’m interested in buying/planting. It will fit in my purse beautifully. I can hardly wait until the Herb festival in 3 weeks!

This blog – it’s primarily for me, a diary/journal of sort. If others should visit here and find some bit of useful information, then it’s a win-win.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Still learning...

Still learning…

Since August 2017, I have viewed over 250 Youtube videos – all about keeping chickens! I so appreciate the folks that have taken the time to share their experiences, the pros/cons, and offer tips and suggestions! It’s amazing.

In another article, I will share my favorite – go to – Youtube stars!

I’m a visual learner. Actually seeing things ~ rather than reading descriptions ~ helps me better gather the knowledge needed before jumping into the act of keeping chickens.

Joining a few Facebook groups dedicated to keeping chickens has also helped me tremendously. Although I’m sure there are hundreds to choose from, these are the “closed groups” I selected (so far!):

Chicken Keeping 101 Friendly Southern Edition

Chickens in the Backyard

Chicken Keeping 101

One question I posted, I asked which type of coop they preferred: raised or ground.  I received an overwhelming response. I would say 98% answered, “Raised” and many shared photos of their set up, and explained why.

So… that’s what we will go with… a raised coop.

Although we don’t plan on getting baby chicks until Spring of 2018, I also wanted to know what/which plants to plant, in preparation for the upcoming “Dinos”! I wanted to know what was best for their health, those that help to keep pests away, and for the Dinos to find enjoyment or protection while inside their run.

Oh. My. Goodness.

I just finished reading the book from cover to cover, Gardening with Chickens, Plans and Plants for You and Your Hens, written by one of the “stars” on Youtube, Lisa Steele of Fresh Eggs Daily.

I took notes, made lists, and now know what to look for and purchase (then plant!) when we attend the Annual Herb & Art Festival "Jammin' With Art In The Park"on October 14th.

I’m thrilled I bought this book first!

Yesterday evening, her book Fresh Eggs Daily, raising happy, healthy chickens, naturally, arrived! Perfect timing! It’s the one time I’m ready for a hot afternoon to just sit back under the air conditioning and read!

I also thoroughly enjoy Lisa’s Facebook page, Fresh Eggs Daily!

But for now, it’s time to get busy readying the garlic planting bed!

Monday, September 4, 2017

Thinking Ahead

I know it’s too soon to begin building the static coop and run for our upcoming chickens. It takes everything I can muster not to bring home baby chicks – even with knowing they will stay in a tub ~ in the house ~ with us for the first couple of months!

But today, I can start something for our future goal of keeping chickens!

I’ve spent a lot of time reading and watching videos about sustainable feed, to help keep the cost down. One of the ways is feeding worms to the chickens! An excellent source of protein!

It reminded me… I kept a worm bin in the library while serving as librarian in a local public charter school (sadly, the school is now closed). The students loved checking on the worms! They loved watching how, over a period of only a few weeks, the worms turned veggie scraps into dirt!

One of my favorite go-to guys on Youtube, Justin Rhodes, reminded me how long it takes to get a nice “herd” of worms. So, I will begin raising our own today! I emptied a tub yesterday after noon, and the drill’s battery is fully charged! I’m waiting on the sun to rise and shine!
I found a good overall informational page on Home Worm Production provided by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension.

And, Uncle Jim’s article, Raising worms to use as live fishing bait, is a very good basic how-to.

Since we don’t have cattle grazing on our place right now, I wonder if anyone around here would mind me collecting a bit of manure?


Sunday, August 27, 2017

The Area

The only thing I know for sure (but of course is subject to change ~ like everything else), this is the location we are planning for the Chicken Coop and Permanent run:

You'll see my little "garden" house off to the right... which has turned into a shortage building (aka catch-all).

Back to reading and learning...

Oh, I bought a magazine the other day at Tractor Supply Company... "Backyard Poultry"! I can't be happier with the first ever magazine on keeping chickens!

Friday, August 25, 2017

It Begins!

The decision has been made! We're getting chickens! But, not quite yet. We have a lot of preparing to do! Our goal - Spring 2018!

Future site of the permanent coop and run:

I was facing due north when I took this picture.

As it is right now, there is a Mesquite tree on the left, a compost bin, then a Crepe Myrtle Tree(?). We purchased the Crepe Myrtle as a "tree" but we're thinking it was incorrectly marked. It's a bush. We've kept it trimmed ~ to a certain existent. Oh well. I love it. When it does bloom, they are delicate white flowers.

I'm thinking the coop needs to be on the left side (west) with the run extending toward the east. We'll see...

Right now I'm gathering information, reading everything I can, watching the marvelous Youtube videos folks have shared, and asking lots of questions on the Facebook groups I've joined!

Stay tuned!