Sunday, August 27, 2017

The Area

The only thing I know for sure (but of course is subject to change ~ like everything else), this is the location we are planning for the Chicken Coop and Permanent run:

You'll see my little "garden" house off to the right... which has turned into a shortage building (aka catch-all).

Back to reading and learning...

Oh, I bought a magazine the other day at Tractor Supply Company... "Backyard Poultry"! I can't be happier with the first ever magazine on keeping chickens!

Friday, August 25, 2017

It Begins!

The decision has been made! We're getting chickens! But, not quite yet. We have a lot of preparing to do! Our goal - Spring 2018!

Future site of the permanent coop and run:

I was facing due north when I took this picture.

As it is right now, there is a Mesquite tree on the left, a compost bin, then a Crepe Myrtle Tree(?). We purchased the Crepe Myrtle as a "tree" but we're thinking it was incorrectly marked. It's a bush. We've kept it trimmed ~ to a certain existent. Oh well. I love it. When it does bloom, they are delicate white flowers.

I'm thinking the coop needs to be on the left side (west) with the run extending toward the east. We'll see...

Right now I'm gathering information, reading everything I can, watching the marvelous Youtube videos folks have shared, and asking lots of questions on the Facebook groups I've joined!

Stay tuned!