Friday, September 22, 2017

Lists, Lists, and more Lists

I don’t want to get overwhelmed because there is so much to learn about keeping chickens the healthy, natural way! Not only for their eggs, but I also want chickens as workers to help with the sticker weed population we have in this yard! Oh, and to eventually establish a nice sustainable rotating garden system after they have worked the packed ground!

Yes. A lot of planning is going on.
I have a lot of dreams and goals before I leave this earthly life.
God willing,
He’ll grant me the time.

So. I. Make. Lists.

What lists?

I use several methods:

Laptop – I first made a file folder “Chickens” (of course!). Within this folder is where I place MS Word documents, such as:

1.     A list of websites and blogs that I’ve found and want a quick reference back to for further reading.
2.     Pictures of the chicken breeds I’m interested in and what they look like as chicks, and their characteristics. When the time comes, I want to be as informed as possible when I go to Tractor Supply Company!
3.     A list of toxic (to chickens) plants and foods. When the time comes, this will be printed out and put on the frig for easy quick reference!
4.     A list of the chicken’s favorite plants and foods.
5.     This folder is also where I put the free and informative .pdf documents I’ve come across from various websites.

Amazon Wish List – what a fabulous tool!

          While viewing the Youtube videos, many times folks will recommend a specific product. So I don’t forget, I’ll pause viewing and immediately find the item on Amazon then simply “add to list”… like the hori hori! I’d never heard of such a thing! The guy at Edible Acres specifically recommended an orange handle one as it’s easier to see when you drop it in the garden! Good to know from someone experienced!


I “subscribe” to the folks I’ve found informative. I also click “like” on the videos I’ve watched. After viewing over 250, it certainly helps me keep track! Plus, I’m told it helps them, even if only they receive a few cents per viewing. It’s the least I can do to help “pay them back” for the time and knowledge they’ve shared!

Plain ole spiral notebook – an old small unused one I found on the bookshelf.

          It’s where I handwrite (something I rarely do these days) the lists of herbs and plants I’m interested in buying/planting. It will fit in my purse beautifully. I can hardly wait until the Herb festival in 3 weeks!

This blog – it’s primarily for me, a diary/journal of sort. If others should visit here and find some bit of useful information, then it’s a win-win.

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